Tag: <span>Time with friends</span>

We traveled to the end of the world (okay, really it was Broad Street) to visit our old friends who just moved in to a fabulous new home. Broad street is going through an incredible renaissance. Did you know the Divine Lorraine is under new ownership? Her new steward promises to return the Divine Lorraine to her previous glory once more.


We had a lovely time visiting old friends as did the kids. Sophia bonded with their little boy while Eliza cooed about the baby. It feels like just yesterday we were hanging out with our friends in college and now we are watching our kids play. Time flies.

Sophia and Eliza visited the Philadelphia Flower Show this weekend with their Grammie and Pop. They had a  great time and especially enjoyed the butterfly exhibit where everyone gets a q-tip with sugar water to help attract the butterflies.

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And just like that, the weekend is over. It went by too quickly and I desperately need just one more day off. One more day to spend with the girls and Evan.
