Tag: <span>coffee</span>

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Life is keeping us quite busy lately. We are packing, unpacking, organizing, re-organizing, and looking forward to being finished with this latest move. I am looking forward to spring, to the end of winter coats, layers, bundling, colds, and all this rain.

The girls have found a way to really play together and it is a joy to watch. Eliza is learning to share and Sophia is coming to terms with the fact that Eliza is still learning. I accomplish more around the house while they play together—because they play together.

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On a balmy winter’s day, we reaped the rewards of getting rid of our storage unit and unpacked the tricycle. This one has been around for ages—it was originally my nephew’s, then it was Sophia’s, and now it is just right for Eliza. Here she is on our Tour de France Old City this past Sunday.
FullSizeRender (4)The tour included a trip to La Colombe where we indulged in a cup of steamed milk and a bit of conversation. I don’t think it is ever too early to have little dates with your kids. Dates, coffee, tricycles… what’s next?
