I finally had the chance to make ahead a few of Sophia’s meals. Until now, I would whip up her lunches and dinners à la minute. However, I find it difficult to whip up a healthy and delicious meal for our little eater especially since she sometimes is in the mood for something other than what is on the menu. While hubby and I agree that we will not give into Sophia’s temperamental eating habits, we are being more accommodating until she can speak her mind. Once she can talk, she’s eating what’s for dinner!
I also promised myself that I wouldn’t turn into my own mother (not that there is anything wrong with that) and serve my child soup every single day of her life. And this is exactly what is happening: I am turning into my mother and serving my child her daily dose of delicious soup. So, this past Friday I purchased potatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, spinach and corn and my mom brought her chicken soup. I cooked the potatoes and zucchini in the chicken soup and then put that through a little child grinder not unlike this one. I put chicken meat through the same food mill, mixed in enough chicken brother to bring everything to the right consistency and proportioned everything into little ice trays. Variety is the spice of life and so I made another variation of the soup with just chicken and broccoli. While putzing with the chicken soups, I steamed spinach, carrots and corn and pureed those separately. I froze those off as well and they’ll become welcome sides to the soup during the coming weeks.
Here is hoping that our little diner enjoys her gourmet meals!