Category: <span>Moments</span>

What date is today? March 3rd? Are you sure? MarchSnow

This is what our back yard looked like today. The snow was heavy enough that we both worked from home and tag-teamed childcare. Thankfully, Sophia is pretty good at occupying herself now-a-days. We started the morning with some dancing…


and transitioned to calmer activities like painting.



The end of our workday called for something comforting, something with chocolate — naturally. And so, I whipped up a batch of chocolate muffins. Seems luxurious, right? Well it was. At first, I was worried whether or not the batter would fit into my muffin tins, and then I was worried whether or not the muffins would come out of the tins. First world problems, no?



Turns out, I didn’t have to worry about the muffins coming out of the tins, or their taste for that matter. See for yourself.


Crafts Culinary Adventures Dessert Flavors Life Moments



Springtime weather. I am almost afraid to say it for it may not happen again for a very long time. Mother nature was somehow compensating for the snow storms and frigid temperatures we’ve been subjected to recently. Whatever the reason, we were happy to be out and about this weekend — worried mother nature would change its mind. First things first, we went to the National Zoo. Rather, we took our own little wild animal child to see all the exciting creatures that exist in the wild.


Early bird gets the worm so to speak… The zoo pavilions open at 10 am, but the grounds are open at 8. We arrived at 9:15 and that was clearly this panda’s breakfast time!


Of course no day at the zoo would be complete without a carousel ride. This was Sophia’s first ever ride and though she was a little timid at first, the music won her over.


My sister, brother-in-law and nephew visited with us after the zoo. Seeing the kids play together was just out of this world especially because he is ten and she is not even two and a half.


Sunday fun-day was a continuation of our Saturday with more visitors. This time, Grammie and Pop and Clowdie (the dog) visited us for the day. As usual, my in-laws know how to wow Sophia. They arrived just after 10 am equipped with finger paints and watercolors. Painting is quite a stretch for us around these parts. We like to think that crayons and markers suffice, but were happy to see painting as well.


Pop and Sophia put a playdoh rolling pin to some imaginative use with playdoh.


You must be wondering by now what culinary delights we cooked this weekend or if we cooked at all. We did indeed cook because we had visitors to feed and the workweek to fend with. First and foremost, my sister brought a care package from my mom with her famous strudel and apple pirogies. I recently relieved my mother of blintz-making duties, but have now retained her to make apple pirogies.

Additionally, and because russians never ever visit without bringing something delicious as an offering, my sister baked one of my all-time favorites — a cottage cheese cake with a meringue topping. My mom used to make this when we were children and it is the perfect afternoon tea accompaniment. My sister put her special touch on the dish by adding apples between the cottage cheese and meringue topping. Evan and Sophia liked it too. Little Sophia thrust herself off her chair quite fast at the site of this sublime confection demanding a piece.


If you look at the cake picture carefully, you’ll see a new batch of the Boston creme cupcakes from last week in the background. We just had to share them with our family this weekend. The cupcakes were clearly a dessert item and despite my better judgement, I couldn’t rationalize having one for breakfast on Sunday. So what to do, what to do? Obviously, the answer was churros — Spanish donuts. Besides, I try to make something that I know my in-laws would enjoy. We need to make sure they will be back 🙂


Here they are taking a dip in the hot oil.

Zoo5Rolled in cinnamon sugar they were pretty irresistible.

Cookery Crafts Culinary Adventures Life Moments



Not a typical Friday moment… but very special none-the-less.

We’re snowed in… again. This winter is making up for the previous two where we hardly got a dusting of snow.


If there is one thing that is more challenging that being a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, it must be a working mom forced to stay at home with no other childcare and a full day’s work ahead.


And when the workday is finally done, and we are battling cabin fever, I turn to my favorite winter sport — knitting. A wool vest that I knitted over the last few evenings finished off with two colorful buttons is warm and cozy. I’ve actually knitted this before for our youngest cousin born October 2012 in a light green and had to scale the pattern to Sophia’s size.




Crafts Moments

From the Rocking Chair Life Moments



A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. Original here.

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