Category: <span>Moments</span>

A meaty topic for a Friday post, especially if you were expecting to see a weekly moment. We are continuing our adjustment to having two kids, to being in Philadelphia, and to being parents of a pre-schooler. Believe it or not, daily snack selection can be daunting! All lighthearted comments aside, I am looking back, feeling the need to introspect, and finding that life isn’t harder than I thought it would be, but harder in ways I didn’t expect.

Expectations are tricky, you see. If you set no expectations, you are bound to not be disappointed. Disappointment, though, like failure, is a part of life. It is good to feel disappointment because that means you reached high, took a leap of faith, or gave someone the benefit of the doubt. Someone I have a great amount of respect for recently said that “… the expectation placed on you changes the expectations you place on yourself …” It seems so commonsensical, but when you really think about what that means, it becomes obvious that this is an incredibly important concept.

I have always placed high expectations on myself and there have been times I have disappointed myself or those around me, but more often than not, I have achieved what I expected to. Expectations have been placed on me from an early age, and I suppose because of that I have learned to place expectations on myself. Extending this to the now—and whether or not we want to—we parent based on what we know. I have noticed that I have started to place expectations on the girls.

Given their ages, these expectations are not anything out of the ordinary. I expect them to behave with respect toward those around them, to ask for permission for certain things, to clean up after themselves in the evening, and to be mindful of the world around them. Perhaps the biggest expectation I have placed on Sophia (Eliza is too young for this) is for her to “buy into” our decisions. I don’t necessarily mean financial “buy-in”, though eventually, that too will be expected. Sophia is fully aware that there are expectations placed on her and I can see now how she is slowly but surely placing higher expectations on herself. More importantly, in placing expectations on herself, Sophia is gaining courage and learning that she can reach higher, expect more of herself.

… and now for some moments…





Disclaimer: One of those pastries belongs to the photographer 😉


Food For Thought Life Moments

Who doesn’t love getting mail? Not email, but snail mail. Letters in envelops personally addressed in beautiful cursive script? I know I do, and in this case, Sophia is a girl after my own heart. Actually, Evan’s Bubbie keeps a beautiful card and letter-writing tradition alive. Sophia has been fortunate enough to enjoy cards on many occasions from Bubbie and she treasures each one just so. Kids learn by example and Evan and I weren’t surprised when Sophia asked us to help her write a letter to her cousin Alex. Alex had just celebrated a birthday and was having a low-key celebration with his friends this weekend.

This letter is more than just a letter (in Evan’s hand)—it is direct evidence of the close and loving bond that she and Alex share. He isn’t just a nominal part of her life, but an integral player in her everyday. She thinks about him when they’re not together and if this is how their relationship is now, I can only imagine what it will be like when they are both adults.

Life Moments


Life Moments

Sometimes there are no words to describe the beauty of what surrounds you and sometimes that beauty goes beyond the physical

Life Moments

Sophia turned four. Four is a big deal! Almost like a recipe — a party, a good party requires a few key ingredients. Good food. Check. It also requires good cakes, several cakes. Check. Some drinks — juices for the kids and beer/wine for the adults. Check, check. Last, but absolutely critical, a good party requires friends and family.

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We started planning Sophia’s party a few months ago because we like to take our time working out the menu, guests, and the theme. She was set on a Lego theme and no amount of persuasion helped convince her to change her theme. Evan and I had our hearts on a Totoro theme. We’re hopeful she’ll want to have that as her theme next year and if not, there’ll always be one of Eliza’s parties. We invited our close family and a select few friends. We would have invited more but space was limited and we wanted to leave plenty of room for the kids to enjoy catching up. As it was, there were over thirty people and lots of cousins and friends.

We made all of the food ourselves, save for a salad, a side and a kugel. There was the sausage and peppers, chicken baked in an asian broth dressed with scallions and sesame seeds, rice, a corn and edamame succotash, grilled cheese two ways, an apricot kugel, a fiesta and a quinoa salads, and stewed eggplant. I baked two cakes–a lemon layer cake and a chocolate cake. The lemon cake was a rich pound cake base with a home-made lemon curd and iced with a lemon-cream cheese frosting. The chocolate cake was death by chocolate a triple layer chocolate cake filled and iced with chocolate ganache. Lastly, and because we enjoy cooking together, Sophia and I made chocolate balls which were a rich chocolate cake mixed with ethereally light vanilla buttercream frosting and dipped in bittersweet chocolate. They were such fun to make and a huge hit at the party.


The adults socialized, the kids played, we sang happy birthday, blew out candles, ate cake, and opened presents. Sophia was thrilled that her friends and family made the time to join us in celebrating her birthday. She loved her presents. This birthday was for Sophia but it was a family party where we came together with people we love and spent time catching up.

IMG_3315The picture is a bit fuzzy… it is the best one I have until my sister and brother-in-law look through their pictures. They hosted the party opening their house to our guests and helped enormously. Their selfless generosity is the very definition of family. This is what families, real, close-knit families do–make time, open their home, their hearts, and enjoy the pitter patter and laughter of tiny guests. I couldn’t be happier that Sophia and Eliza are learning by example. And thank you Anna, David and Alex for your open home and open hearts. Truly.

Cookery Culinary Adventures Delicious Dessert Flavors FriendsFamily Hubby Cooks Life Mom's Cooking Moments Sophia Cooks


We celebrated Sophia’s fourth birthday today. Four. I find it hard to believe that she’s been in our lives for that long and it is difficult to remember what life was like before her. 

Sophia is not an easy child. But as we all know, in life things that are easy don’t give you profound pleasure or joy. And Sophia does. Her every milestone feels well-earned, almost deserved, and sweet like berries at their summer peak. The best thing about Sophia isn’t her blue eyes or beautiful smile, or even her kindness. It is her ability to teach me life lessons and remind me what is truly important. I’m forever grateful for my lessons and for having her in my life. I promise to honor my end of the bargain, to be there. For now, “there” is at pre-school, but as she grows older, “there” will no longer imply a physical but an emotional state. 

Happy Birthday!

Food For Thought Life Moments



September in Philadelphia can be magical. These last few days brought a reprieve from the heat and humidity and teased us with what is yet to come once fall arrives. I didn’t want to miss out by sitting in my office on such gorgeous, sunfilled days. So, I took a day off and spent it entirely with my mom.   

By the time I retire, I will have had approximately 660 vacation days. Six hundred and sixty over 45 years of service is … too few. No matter, even that realization will not sway me to be a stay-at-home mom (for heaven’s sake, that is not a vacation!), but I digress. Having calculated this meager number, I couldn’t see any reason why I wouldn’t dedicate a single one to someone who has dedicated her last 32 years to me, the last dozen+ to Evan and me, and the last four to our children. As an aside, I love her to pieces and we get along great, too. 

With no great plan, we ambled, perused my favorite boutiques, sampled delicious eats, and enjoyed amazing drinks. Had we had more time, I would have worked in a few hours at the spa. There is always next time, but until then, I will remember every little detail, our every conversation, her advice, the stories she told me about her youth, and just … just her. Until next time, Mom, which hopefully won’t be years from now.



Life Moments