We had such a lovely weekend despite a brief snow storm followed by bone-chilling cold. The girls headed down to my parents’ house on Saturday morning for a sleepover and we all joined Evan’s family for a beautiful, belated Hanukkah brunch on Sunday.
I believe that grandparents should be able to spoil their grandkids and lavish them with attention, love, and lots and lots of homemade food. It also seems that I was born into a family with this belief as not only did the girls bake cookies and eat some of their favorite foods, they were also treated to breakfast in bed the morning after the sleepover. The breakfast, complete with pancakes and homemade hot chocolate, was a first one ever for Sophia and Eliza and such a lovely treat. Sophia and Eliza also played in the freshly fallen snow and “helped” Deda clear the driveway. Rosy cheeked and thoroughly refreshed from the great outdoors and fresh snow is how I remember spending my winter breaks in my grandparents’ house. As for Evan and me on our brief reprieve from parental duties—we cooked, listened to Jazz, watched more TV than we usually do, went out for happy hour after the snow, and generally lounged. In other words, we had 23 hours to remind ourselves what life was like when we were in our early-mid twenties.
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