Becoming Learned


I don’t have to go to school anymore. I remember dreaming about not having to learn/study anymore and then after graduating, I suddenly wanted to go back. There is something invigorating about being in a university setting — young people, an atmosphere of being able to make a difference. At last, thanks to the wonders of the internet, I am able to partake in learning — studying what I want and when I want it free of charge.

I signed up and am very much enjoying a Coursera course called “A Brief History of Humankind“. … and naturally, when it rains, it pours so I also went to a class on Big Data last week taught by Cloudera. The Big Data class was for work and by the end of last week, I felt like my brain was going to explode. The 90 mile a day commute didn’t help and I am glad that I can watch my Coursera lectures anywhere and anytime. This isn’t my last first Coursera class and it won’t be my last. Have you taken a class recently or learned something new on your own?



  1. Dana said:

    This is great! This course you’re taking sounds like a very interesting one, I’m sure B would enjoy it, he loves history in cultural and historical context. His is taking some course through Coursera as well, but not not for fun, more as an option for a second career. I wish I’d have time to that too, but I’m busy learning with my older one. 🙂 You wouldn’t believe how much I’m learning while teaching him! :))))

    August 22, 2013
  2. […] tutorials and all matter of materials for hours each day. A part of that is for work, a part for continuing education (because I want to) and last and perhaps most important part is for inspiring new ideas whether it […]

    September 1, 2013

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