Parenting and Sandwiches

We worry about our children when they are not even born yet. We worry that they are born without complications, are healthy, …, worry about them catching colds, and falling and scraping their knees. I am starting to believe the worrying never really stops. In fact parents never cease taking care of their children even when those children are older and have families of their own. Well, maybe not all parents are like that, but the best ones are.

Hubby had a business trip to sunny Wilmington, Delaware this past Monday that had him taking a later train back home. Business trips to Delaware have their own perks like being picked up by your father-in-law, gourmet sandwich in-hand, and dropped off at the station making sure you make a too-close train back to D.C. The sandwich my mom made was good, but it was the fact that my parents offered, that they brought it and wanted to see their son-in-law, that reminds my husband that he has family here.

This is nothing extra-ordinary for my family. My Baba passed away in June of 1989 after a long battle with cancer. My mom spend many months at her childhood home, 2000 miles away from us taking care of her. I still remember my father’s culinary repertoire which was something of a carbohydrate-laden italian wedding soup alternated with soup kharcho. My sister and I couldn’t look at either soup for quite some time once my mom came back. But I digress… There were times when my dad had business trips to Russia or Ukraine. He once took an 8-10 hr train ride completely out of the way to come and visit with my Baba and take her for a walk. She was very sick then and frail. He only had two hours there, got back on another train, another 10 hr ride and went back to wherever it is he was on an assignment. My Baba and Deda truly earned his gesture by the way they treated him and my father would do it all over again. The best lessons are taught by example.

One Comment

  1. Dana said:

    Beautiful story! Thanks for sharing!

    July 3, 2013

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