Giving Thanks

I am grateful for a lot of things in my life on a daily basis. I usually start my day thanking anyone and anything responsible for a non-terrible night with Sophia. (I am NOT thankful for that today… worst night EVER). I am then thankful for light traffic on the D.C. beltway as I make my way to work and thankful for having such great coworkers and friends with whom I work on newfangled inventions.

On Thanksgiving however, I always sit back and think about a comprehensive “especially thankful for” list. Counting down from *

8. The internet because I can shop without facing the angry mobs of the stores on Black Thursday Friday.

7. Celebrating thanksgiving with hubby’s family and mine; everyone together for Sophia and no driving on Turkey day.

6. A healthy, happy and civil (:)) family; especially on Thanksgiving.

5. Delicious food and family gatherings, laughter.

4. My sister and brother-in-law & sister-in-law and her boyfriend.

3. OUR parents who help out how they know best whether with amazing toys, books, videos, advice, blintzes, chicken soups and strudel.

2. My daughter and nephew who teach me to see the world from a beautiful, innocent, optimistic perspective.

1. My amazing husband who cooks, cleans, takes care of baby, loves me dolled up in ball-gowns, glamorous in spit-up and who gave me the best role of my life – Mama.


  1. Dana said:

    Happy Thanksgiving, honey! Your “thanks” are wonderful!!!

    November 23, 2012
  2. Nadya said:


    November 25, 2012

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