My Honey Cooks!

Some days are made for a lazy evening in the kitchen where conversation and drinks flow while delicious food is made and the kids play. That’s the vision anyways!

I ventured out to our local supermarket on my own WITH baby yesterday — a first for me. It was a daunting task at first due to the fact that I had to pack her diaper bag, take my purse, the car seat, the Bjorn carrier and well, the BABY. I made it out of the house fairly quickly and Sophia was on her best behavior. She rarely gets to go to the store so she was just busy taking it all in seated comfortably in front of me in the baby carrier. I meanwhile got a workout carrying her, loading and unloading the cart and unpacking all the groceries at home. I guess it still saves time over having to hit the gym. By the time I got home, however, all dreams of cooking an amazing meal had evaporated and I was ready to plant myself in front of the TV for an evening of relaxation.

I decided that I would see if the hubby would cook while caught up on our day and played with Sophia. Not surprisingly, he was up to the challenge and made Seared Scallops with Mango Salad which happens to be one of our 20 minute meals. It was fast, delicious and reasonably healthy.

Lovely time spent as a family on a chilly spring evening. I hear this weekend will be glorious and maybe we’ll plant in our garden — maybe!


  1. Dana said:

    Good luck with the garden! Don’t you just love to wear your baby?!! I think it’s a total lifesaver!

    April 13, 2012
  2. Dana said:

    And yeah, I just love cooking husbands!

    April 13, 2012
  3. "Bubbie" said:

    My compliments to the “chef”!! The scallops and salad look delicious. You might want to wait an extra week or two before planting, April can be unpredictable. Love, B

    April 13, 2012
  4. "Bubbie" said:

    Forgot to say that you have the best “Honey”!!!

    April 13, 2012

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