Like most new parents, I could not wait until I could give real food to little Miss S. We finally got the go-ahead from our pediatrician to start solids when our daughter was 5 months old. Until recently, Sophia has liked everything. We’ve offered her oatmeal cereal, prune, apple, and banana. I could sense that our luck was about to change when we offered carrot, potato and peas. Just today, I prepared Mushy Peas and being true to my own conviction (presentation matters), I presented them in a clear, shiny dish our Bubbie gave us.
Sophia tried a few spoonfuls and made it clear she was not impressed. She made a face, pursed her little lips and turned her head. Desperation took over me and I did what I promised myself I wouldn’t do: offered something else. I sprung into action grating a little bit of banana.
The soft, sweet, billowy banana went over with baby claps, smiles and lots of lip smacking. A quiet sense of panic took over me as I was spooning banana into our daughter’s mouth: am I destined to become one of those parents who is a short order cook at home?
Our little miss is a big fan of bananas as well!
As about “short order cook,” you still have plenty of time till she’ll figure it out that it’s even possible. 🙂 She’s still trying to learning to eat, let her have fun for now!
Our Sophia knows what she likes!! She has plenty of time for peas….which by the way is delicious mixed with pasta for a later date!! Love Bubbie